My Stepping Stones staff will help each participant find an apartment or house in Seminole or Orange counties, Florida which will be 1) within walking distance of public transportation lines and other important infrastructure such as a grocery store, a daycare, a pharmacy, and a park for recreation and 2) within an easy bus ride of education opportunities, job opportunities, a participating church, and a pediatrician.

          Each participant will pay a portion of their rent directly to the landlord.  My Stepping Stones will pay 15% to 100% of the rent to that landlord, depending on the participant’s ability to earn an income.

          At the beginning of each “stepping stone” the participant’s ability to earn an income will be evaluated and they will pay up to 30% of what they are capable of earning each month during the duration of that “stepping stone.”  My Stepping Stones will pay the remainder of the rent as long as the participant remains a student in good standing. 

          Each participant will pay their own utilities (water, electricity, gas) depending on their rental agreement.  Again, at the beginning of each “stepping stone,” their ability to earn income will be evaluated.  They will pay for utilities up to 10% of what they are capable of earning each month during the duration of that “stepping stone.”  My Stepping Stones will pay the remainder of their reasonable utility bills as long as each participant remains a student in good standing.  (Communication and entertainment utilities – landline phone, cell phone, cable TV, internet, etc. – are completely the responsibility of the participant.)